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Business Catastrophe Insurance

Commercial business insurance is designed to cover common accident and incident-related costs. Business catastrophe insurance helps provide coverage for natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes and man-made disasters like terrorist attacks or riots.

Each business has individual insurance needs dictated by the company’s industry, size and potential exposure to certain specific perils. Tailoring commercial insurance coverage to meet the needs of a business is a crucial part of a comprehensive risk management strategy that works to protect a company’s financial health.

What Is Catastrophe Insurance?

Business catastrophe insurance is a specific type of insurance that may provide coverage for incidents that aren’t generally covered with a commercial business insurance policy. It helps businesses expand their coverage past the common perils typically covered by business insurance.

Depending on your company’s exposure to risk, purchasing other business insurance policies in addition to business catastrophe insurance may be wise to get appropriate coverage.

How to Get Business Insurance

Call 314 Insurance Advisors today to get help understanding how business catastrophe insurance can help protect your company’s financial stability.